Decimation - Zombie Apocalypse Mod for Minecraft (Cracked) Minecraft 1.7.10 (Singleplayer/LAN support)
Cracked Decimation boe mod is a version of the boe mod originally created by LeScooter. The mod was purged by its creator but has been cracked and revived by the owner of DeCiNuCleAr. It includes advanced weapons crafting systems and custom mechanics in a post-apocalyptic survival world.

Cracked Decimation boe mod is a version of the boe mod originally created by LeScooter. The mod was purged due to hackers exploiting and crashing the official servers with long-standing old exploits that Minecraft 1.7.10 had issues with. It has been cracked and revived by DeCiNuCleAr. The mod includes advanced weapons crafting systems and custom mechanics in a post-apocalyptic survival world.
For Minecraft 1.7.10
Decimation Mod: Download From Server
Decimation Voice Chat Mod:Download From Server
DT4D Mod (Crack):Download From Server